Everybody loves magazine day, but unfortunately for me my magazines get delivered to my home address as opposed to my uni one which is why a trip home this up and coming weekend is necessary! To be a complete tease I thought i'd run a blog on this months covers of my two subscription favourites- Vogue & Elle.
Beginning with Vogue which has been around for over a century, UK edition just under. Vogue is high fashion. With exception to their more dash than cash articles(which still are not much less demanding on finances) Vogue remains the provider of fashion information for it's original target audience- middle to upper class women, socialites. Everyone I have this conversation with seems to think of Vogue as old school and past it(it actually hurts me to type that...) but I love that I am not it's target audience. Vogue is an aspiration not an aid. It doesn't give information that will help you further your career or outfits you can afford, it let's you live the dream. It shows you another world which you can escape to through reading it's stories and becoming lost in it's images and I would hate, DESPISE even, if Vogue changed. This month-

Lara stone in the classic taking over ballgown similar to the Kate Moss 2007 December cover. Alot of alliteration is prevalent. Pastel pink for the title, and cool colour tones throughout. And that dash of hope in the swirly lettering of 'wonderful' which appears for no real reason except to appear. Vogue stay traditional in the fact it's always usually models as opposed to celebrities they use as cover girls with few exceptions. Lara was born in the Netherlands, will celebrate her 27th in December, tripped up at a Karl Lagerfeld show and has been face of Givenchy, Calvin Klein beauty and Jean Paul Gaultier. Lara has been commonly used by Vogue since 2006.
Elle is everything Vogue isn't. It's young, fresh and adapatable to change. If Vogue is your dream man whom it would never work out with for endless reasons Elle is a fling, a fun quickie that you will always remember for it's lack of seriousness. Elle was introduced in the mid 80's which goes a long way to explain what it's all about. Elle is read by a range of people, and although couture and premium price fashion is shown it is often mixed with Topshop or Reiss, and more affordable pieces. Elle gives good insight to behind the scenes information also with a monthly video on their website featuring their making of the front cover and not to mention Olivia Palermo's "job" at American Elle. This month-

Elle does go the celeb on cover route and has had the same colour span for the past few issues. It's Kate Hudson this issue and nothing is noticably different from other months as opposed to Vogue making a larger deal out of their December issue. A key trend is highlighted on the cover in the form of leather though. And notice her different than usual make up and hair. Kate looks the complete opposite of her usual carefree, boho style with a structured, tailored, sophistocated outfit and young, edgy eye make up and hair. Kate's facial expression could be said to be similar to the famed i-D wink! This Elle cover is a visual statement of the points raised about it's fling attitude.
Choosing between Vogue and Elle in my mind is like choosing between food and sleep. Impossible because any normal person needs both to make good all round judgement in life(fashion...)
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